
FRP Grating Used in Many Fields
Release time: 2023-02-17 10:30:52  Hits: 146

FRP  grating is a good application value in the application, and in various applications, it is also very good to meet, and in our practical application, it will also be more accomplished, including FRP pulling. Grid, FRP cover, car wash glass steel grille, high quality glass steel grille, etc. It is a glass fiber to enhance material, unsaturated polyester resin as a matrix, which is made of special processing. In our practical application, it is also more applying value, with very superior acid, alkali resistant.

The glass steel grille is also very good in the application, there is no need to illuminate and large lifting equipment, only a small amount of manual and electric tools, make the installation cost also decreased. In various environments, it is also possible to meet the application, and there is still a long service life in different environments, and it is normal for more than 50 years. It has excellent electrical insulation, and there is no breakdown under 10kV voltage. It is also valuable in various applications. After reasonable design, it is also possible to reduce the total cost of the platform. It is very convenient in use, very effective

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